Major Technical Milestones Achieved
Creating a Neurogenomic Database
Use of gestural recognition technology using Kinect
Use of gestural recognition technology using kinect in our products. This new use is based on the recognition of the movement when interacting with the various interfaces that the company is developing.
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Integration of OpenSource Proteomics Ontologies to our knowledge base
Correlation between biological and functional connectivity in fMRI and DTI
Resting state fMRI functional connectivity
Based in the Connectome project, that include more than 1200 estudios de fMRIrs studies (Functional Magnetic Resonance Image in Resting State), an optimal methodology was selected for extracting information and it´s transformation into knowledge.
Tracts classification in DTI
Anatomical-Functional correlation in fMRI studies
We performed a statistical meta-analysis of fMRI studies to infer the correlation between anatomical structure and cognitive function. By conducting this study, it was possible to filter the large volume of information contained in BrainMap, resulting in a final database that stores the following information: (1) The probability of activation of each brain structure for each cognitive domain , (2) The probability that each cognitive domain is related to the activation of each brain structure and, (3) The probability that two structures are activated simultaneously by each cognitive domain.
Longitudinal studies. Effects of treatment with drugs and/or rehabilitation
Decision making support for Mild Cognitive Impairment
Conducting a population study
Comparison of algorithms for image registration
Creation of a Brain Anatomy Ontology
Development of a new segmentation algorithm for MRI
More Articles...
- Created a new algorithm to reconstruct the cerebral cortex
- Comparative study of algorithms for the measurement of Gray Matter
- Analysis of processing Tools in Neuroimaging