We work with the raw material of the XXI century:

And specifically on the organ that generates Knowledge:
The Human Brain.

We process all information on Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases, transform them into knowledge and manage them, creating products and services for Professionals and Citizens.


Forget the processing, Get Results.


Gestión del Conocimiento


NeuroSeek includes a vast amount of interrelated knowledge: genomics, proteomics, pharmaco-genomics, connectivity, evidence, anatomy, etc.

Procesado de Señales y Neuroimagen

Do not worry about the study type

EEG, ERP, MRI, fMRI, DTI, PET ... We can process and extract knowledge in individual or population studies (longitudinal / transverse).

Uso de Internet avanzada

Internet of the future

Used to interact with our services, Access to Knowledge, Social Media integration, visualization of complex information, etc.


Security and Data Protection

We conduct strict compliance with the Data Protection Act (LOPD) and ISO 27001 (Information Security).

Herramientas y Recursos

Specialized Hardware y software

Hardware and Software projects conducted within this area of knowledge, including the use of advanced interfaces.



Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biocomputing. We create solutions using ICTs in the Bio field.



We collect the best third-party tools, and made by us: Documents, Tests, Videos, Websites, etc..

Formación avanzada

Advanced Training

We conduct strict compliance with the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD) and ISO 27001 (Information Security) standard.

Nuestros clientes

Who are our customers?

Professionals, Research Groups, BioTech Companies, hospital institutions, Pharmaceutical industry, and of course the Citizen.

Otras áreas de actuación

Other application areas

We can apply our knowledge in emerging areas such as neuroimaging, neurodidactics, Neurohabitabilidad, neuromarketing, video games, etc...


All thanks to...

Knowledge, Creativity, Technical and Scientific strictness and Experience.


NeuroSeek: Knowledge
Neuroimaging Studies
HW and SW Development
ELENA: Cognitive Rehab.
NEUTilus: Neuronavigation
Human-Computer Interaction
Applied Neuroscience
Advanced Training


Brain Dynamics S.L.
Edif.Bioinnovación. PTA
Málaga. Spain.

Where are we?

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    Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia   
      Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía       
Gente del Conocimiento Acreditado (ACTA)          
    Plataforma Tecnológica Española de tecnologías para la Salud, El Bienestar y la Cohesión Social    

Plataforma Tecnológica Española de convergencia hacia internet del futuro
Iniciativa Española de Software y ServiciosPlanetic         
ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27001